Bolivar Tesoros Cigar (Ex. 5ta Avenida 2016) – Box of 10: A Premium Cigar Experience

The Bolivar Tesoros Cigar (Ex. 5ta Avenida 2016) is a true masterpiece from the renowned Bolivar brand, which is famous for its bold, full-bodied cigars. Crafted with the finest tobaccos and designed to offer an exceptional smoking experience, this cigar is an excellent choice for aficionados seeking a rich and robust flavor profile.


Bolivar Tesoros Cigar (Ex. 5ta Avenida 2016) – Box of 10: A Premium Cigar Experience

The Bolivar Tesoros Cigar (Ex. 5ta Avenida 2016) is a true masterpiece from the renowned Bolivar brand, which is famous for its bold, full-bodied cigars. Crafted with the finest tobaccos and designed to offer an exceptional smoking experience, this cigar is an excellent choice for aficionados seeking a rich and robust flavor profile.

Unveiling the Bolivar Tesoros Cigar (Ex. 5ta Avenida 2016)

The Bolivar Tesoros Cigar is a limited edition release that has captured the attention of cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Originally known as 5ta Avenida 2016, this cigar is a testament to the brand’s commitment to excellence and its rich history of producing full-flavored cigars. With a box of 10 cigars, each cigar in this collection is individually hand-rolled, ensuring consistency and a premium smoking experience with every draw.

The Bolivar Tesoros features a perfect blend of Havana tobacco that creates a powerful and aromatic smoke. Its full-bodied nature is balanced with a complex flavor profile, offering hints of spice, earth, leather, and subtle sweetness. The cigar’s construction is impeccable, with a smooth wrapper and well-packed filler, making it a reliable choice for seasoned smokers who appreciate a bold and sophisticated smoke.

Why the Bolivar Tesoros Cigar Stands Out

  • Full-Bodied Flavor: Known for its strength, the Bolivar Tesoros delivers a rich, intense flavor that is perfect for those who enjoy a bold smoking experience. The cigar’s full-bodied nature is complemented by a complex mix of earthy, leathery, and spicy notes, making each puff an adventure in flavor.
  • Premium Quality: The Bolivar brand has a long-standing reputation for producing high-quality cigars, and the Tesoros (Ex. 5ta Avenida 2016) is no exception. The tobacco used is carefully selected and aged to perfection, ensuring that each cigar is of the highest standard.
  • Limited Edition: As a limited edition release, the Bolivar Tesoros Cigar is a rare find. This exclusivity adds to its allure and makes it a must-have for collectors and cigar connoisseurs looking to add a distinguished piece to their collection.
  • Perfect for Special Occasions: The bold flavor and luxurious construction make the Bolivar Tesoros an ideal choice for celebratory moments, whether it’s a milestone event, a victory, or simply indulging in a rare treat.

Why Buy the Bolivar Tesoros Cigar from PrimeCigars?

When it comes to purchasing premium cigars like the Bolivar Tesoros Cigar (Ex. 5ta Avenida 2016), buying from a trusted retailer is crucial to ensure the authenticity, quality, and freshness of your purchase. PrimeCigars is the ideal destination for cigar lovers for several reasons:

  • Authenticity Guaranteed: At PrimeCigars, you can be confident that you are purchasing genuine Bolivar Tesoros cigars. We source our cigars directly from reputable suppliers, ensuring that every box you receive is authentic and has been properly stored.
  • Freshness and Quality: Cigars are delicate and require proper storage to maintain their flavor and aroma. PrimeCigars takes great care in storing our cigars in optimal conditions, so you can enjoy them at their peak freshness.
  • Expert Knowledge: With years of experience in the cigar industry, the team at PrimeCigars is passionate about cigars and can offer expert advice to help you make the best choice for your taste preferences. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or new to the world of cigars, PrimeCigars is dedicated to providing personalized service and recommendations.
  • Fast and Secure Shipping: PrimeCigars ensures that your cigars are delivered quickly and securely, preserving their quality during transit. With reliable packaging and prompt shipping, you can enjoy your Bolivar Tesoros cigars without delay.
  • Exclusive Offers: PrimeCigars offers exclusive deals and promotions on premium cigars, including the Bolivar Tesoros. By purchasing from us, you gain access to special discounts, limited edition releases, and loyalty rewards that enhance your cigar experience.


The Bolivar Tesoros Cigar (Ex. 5ta Avenida 2016) is a premium choice for cigar aficionados seeking a full-bodied, flavorful smoke with a touch of exclusivity. With its rich flavor profile, impeccable craftsmanship, and limited availability, it is a must-have for any serious collector or enthusiast. By purchasing from PrimeCigars, you ensure that you are receiving an authentic, fresh product backed by expert knowledge and excellent customer service. Don’t miss out on this exceptional cigar—order your Bolivar Tesoros Cigar (Ex. 5ta Avenida 2016) box of 10 from PrimeCigars today and indulge in a truly remarkable smoking experience.


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